When is Windows XP leaving the picture?

After extending the retirement of Windows XP. Microsoft has decided that retailers are still able to sell the Windows XP Operating System (OS). Now more computers are being made with the Windows XP Operating System, yet Windows 7 is way more popular now. When there are no more updates from Microsoft for Windows XP, you will still be able to get help or support form certified technicians, but these technicians will be very limited to help you because of the lack of update patches. The only solution if your XP needs fixing that cannot be done without an update, is a fresh install of Windows XP.

If I were you, I would switch over to Windows 7. Vista was just that in between state that Microsoft introduced Aero, which ran slower than XP. Apple was laughing at that, but with Windows 7, they introduced something amazing! The only problem that I could think of is compatibility. This meaning that some Windows XP programs cannot run on Windows 7. Windows 7 introduced a patched update which allowed the feature “Run in XP Mode” allowing you to run these programs.

Before you upgrade, be sure to run the Windows 7 Upgrade Adviser. This programs tells you whether or not you have the capability to install Windows 7. It tells you if your hardware can handle it, but also what programs can be reused in Windows 7. (By The Way, You Can Download the Adviser by clicking the link above!!!)